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IVF – A blessing or a bane?

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

As an IVF specialist I often come across questions from my patients about safety of IVF procedure and the well being of the offspring resulting from IVF. Many patients ask me if the IVF baby could, in any way, be different from a normally conceived baby, and are, at times, reluctant to undergo the fertility treatment. Many of these patients quote some horror stories of other patients who have undergone IVF.

What I explain to the patients is that most of the times they get to hear just one side of the story. I try to make them understand that IVF is a medical procedure used to help couples conceive who find it difficult to conceive for several biological reasons. Just like all other medical interventions, IVF also has its own set of disadvantages, and can, at times, cause inconvenience to women undergoing treatment.

If you have been recommended to undergo IVF as the best way to conceive for IVF clinic in Sushant Lok, I suggest you  not to form any preconceived opinions about the procedure based just on hearsay. Instead, you should discuss the pros and cons of the procedure, possibility of its success and chances of any inconvenience etc with your treating specialist and to educate yourself about the science behind the procedure from authentic sources. As Benjamin Franklin once said – “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”!

I will continue to write on this subject to answer some frequently asked questions and address the common myths about fertility treatment, specially using IVF. Do write to me at if you have any questions about IVF.

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